Monday, February 23, 2015

E-Pals Reflection

E-Pals Reflection
By: Sonny S.

    In my opinion, this global collaboration is a excellent idea. This can easily teach you global material from around the world, from other peoples perspective. What I mean by global material is things like worldwide news. Anyways, I think talking to people is a good idea, it can get you discussing all kinds of things, like comparing and contrasting. People use comparing and contrasting in everyday language. I also use similes and metaphors a lot in everyday language. Using this language can help you with improving knowledge in literature studies and language arts! So, you are basically in a win win situation, with the fun idea of talking, and the great expansion of your knowledge!My level of global awareness was almost little to nothing. Now that I've spoke with my new friends from across the world, I know much more. I didn't really know that much about the world, and I have done AoW's in my class before, but they don't teach me about the little things, but seeing videos from Sweden and seeing how they setup schools is a lot different than from where I live.

     In my opinion, this global calibration is a excellent idea. This can easily teach you global material from around the world, from other peoples perspective. Also, talking to people is a good idea, it can get you discussing all kinds of things, like comparing and contrasting. People use comparing and contrasting in everyday language. I also use similes and metaphors a lot in everyday language. Using this language can help you with improving knowledge in literature studies and language arts! So, you are basically in a win win situation, with the fun idea of talking, and the great expansion of your knowledge!

1 comment:

  1. You have repeated yourself in both paragraphs. Please reread what you wrote and go back and look at the initial questions that were asked of you.
