Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I Survived: The Destruction of Pompeii, A.D. 79 (Summer Reading Blog #2)

Sonny S.
I Survived: The Destruction of Pompeii, A.D. 79
Prompt: What surprises you in this story? Explain why.
     The thing that surprises me the most was that they weren't aware that the volcano Vesuvius was active. This surprises me because there are definate signs that are shown when a volcano is active, and scientists today study those signs for a better understanding of why these events occur. In the story, it does seem like people didn't really know what a volcano was. They said thing like. "The world is ending!", and, "The gods are punishing us!". This is very odd to me.
     Did people back in the day not know what a volcano was. By those quotes I used from the book in the last paragraph, they seem like they don't understantd what a volcano is. This is odd to me because we know what these signs are, and what is happening. This shows the difference between the olden times, and today's modern world.
     There were definatley signs, and one of them is rumbling. Why did the civilians living by the volcano ignore the rumbling coming from the mountain? I have no idea why, but rumbing is one of the most obvious signs that a volcano gives. These question make me want to research more. Today... scientists preserve the area to do research there, and record the data... as it's known, Mt. Vesuvius was by far the worst eruption in history ever recorded... and one of the most fascinating.

I Surived: The Destruction of Pompeii, A.D. 79 (Summer Reading Blog #1)

Sonny S.
I Survived: The Destruction of Pompeii, A.D. 79
Prompt: Why did you choose this to read? Give at least 3 reasons why.

     The reason why I chose this book was because I was really interested in the destruction of Pompeii because of the aftermath. People were changed into statue like thing because of this volcano (Vesuvius). This was very interesting to me because these days when a volcano explodes, people are normally aware, and eventually start to flee.
     Another reason why I chose to read this book was because I was curious to why people were unaware that this volcano was active. Now, I know that they didn't have the technology that we have in todays era, but still... shouldn't they've known that there was a giant volcano next to them. Volcano's do give signs when they're active. Were they unaware of these signs?
     The final reason why I chose to read this book was because I was curious to see if there were any survivors. I also like the I Survived franchise, and how they put together the storyline. So I was thinking that they would probably have an ending where the main characters were escaping and said something like, "Their weren't many survivors after the volcano erupted, but at least there were some."