Friday, May 15, 2015

Something that Symbolizes Me

Sonny S.
Something that Symbolizes Me

     Something that symbolizes me would be baseball. Baseball is a huge part of my life. It keeps me athletic, keeps me eating healthy, and brings me outside. Baseball also reminds me of a quote that my life revolves around. "You try you fail, you try you fail. The only true failure is when you stop trying... try again."
     People say that music can help block out many things, and can set you free... no stress at all. Well, baseball is my music. Baseball is everything to me, I would still be playing if something were to happen to me. If I broke an arm, or even lost an arm... I would still find a way to play. I will become the best that I can with baseball. That bat, and that ball, and that glove that you see in the photo above, you are looking into my life. That grass, the dirt in the background, everything... everything you see in that photo... you see a huge chunk of my life.

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1 comment:

  1. I like how you explained that baseball is a very important part of your life and how it is your music because it sets you free. I think you did very well on your blog. Nice work!
